Are Your Yearly Health Resolutions A Total Waste Of Time?

Health Self-healing
I believe, when people make a resolution to improve their health, it's because they know or think there's a payoff involved. The outcome is going to be a reward. A reward that is less what they expect to receive, and more what they hope to AVOID that compels them to make resolutions. They don't want to get sick one day. They don't want to have to endure some chronic disease that comes out of nowhere and zaps the life out of their body and robs them of the last years, possibly decades, of their life.

Case In Point...Cancer

Cancer, in my mind, is the scariest one. Do you agree?


Because cancer is not a picky disease. It does not REQUIRE an unhealthy host to get started in your body. BUT, it usually DOES REQUIRE an unhealthy host to keep growing. That's actually very good news. What, good news associated with cancer? I must be crazy. No, I am not. It is good news because "an unhealthy host" suggests (and studies have shown this) that you can dramatically lower your risk of getting cancer by making the right decisions when it comes to exercising, eating the right foods, and adopting lifestyle habits that promote health rather than diminish it.

You can choose to be a healthy host, thus diminishing the chances of getting cancer.

So if you question whether or not your health resolutions are a complete waste of time the answer is no. They're not. Not unless you break them and end up back at square one...where you're doing nothing to lower the odds of getting sick one day.

How to Keep Your Resolution for Better Health?

Become Educated Seek Support


Go to an expert. Learn from someone who:
  • has seen the effects of cancer up close.
  • has had to endure the life-changing outcome that cancer causes.
  • has gone through the same resolution you are seeking.
  • has had positive results from following a positive path to achieving whole health.
Carolyn Hansen is this person. She spent months watching a family member succumb to the disease. She says the experience scared her straight. That was more than 30 years ago now. Thirty years since she made a resolution to never allow herself to go down the same road that led her family member to become an unhealthy host. One who suffered through to a deadly end because of cancer. And so far, it's worked for Carolyn. Not by accident. Has it been perfect? NO. But because each time she falters and makes the wrong decision when it comes to her physical well-being she corrects the situation. She re-ups on her resolution to conduct herself in a way that significantly reduces the odds that she'll ever have to deal with some miserable disease. One that she was never fated to have to deal with.

How Does She Do It?

Recently she created a short but powerful audio session to help her personal clients keep their resolutions. For a short time, she is making it available to anyone who needs a little psychological push in the right direction.

Give a Boost to Your Health Resolutions Year Round

If the idea of learning how to future-pace and achieve your resolved goals appeals to you, grab Carolyn's MP3 and use it to put those broken health resolutions behind you once and for all. I mentioned earlier that to keep your resolutions you need to:
  • Become educated, and
  • Seek support.
If you like receiving FREE-bies related to improving and maintaining your health and are looking for a support group, join my mailing list. The information I recommend is the information I use to maintain my health and my family's. So, feel assured, if I am willing to involve my family, these products are good. [yikes-mailchimp form="1"]

Carolyn Has A Health Package

Check out Carolyn's package to Activate The Self Healing Process Within You. It covers many simple lifestyle strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health! It is the perfect complement to her free audio about keeping your health resolutions.

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